Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Cindy, because you asked...

Here's the garden view from the road. On the front of the fence are purple morning glories. Last year at this time they covered the whole front of the fence, but I think it's been a little cool for them. Starting from the front are carrots and beets, tomatoes, and then a late planting of beans. The big bushy plants towards the back are potatoes. To the left of the potatoes are a bunch of vines: gourds, pumpkins, squash. I don't think the melon came up. Also mixed in there somewhere are marigolds, kale, dill, cucumbers and zuchinni. From a distance it looks full of plants - you only see the grass problem when you get close. However, with a little rain we will have a great harvest - there are lots of tiny vegetables on the plants right now.

Behind the back fence, between the fence and the barn is a small herb patch and a circle of sunflowers. The sunflowers are supposed to get tied together at the top to make a fort, but I don't think it will work - they aren't getting very tall before they make blossoms. Too dry? Too cool? Who knows.

Rachel's flowers. Again, a little rain would help. This patch was full last year. The fence to the right has two grape vines on it, but it'll be a few years before they make grapes. Directly behind the barn is my raspberry patch, seeded by the birds. The wooden fence on the left hides an old willow stump and the compost pile. It was supposed to have sweet peas and morning glories on it by now. The sweet peas never sprouted, and the the morning glories are really small, so it'll probably be late August before I see any blooms there.

This is Dave's latest expansion on the rock garden. He added the Narnia lamppost and some additional stone. The lamp will be nice in the winter when it gets dark so early. Notice the sunflowers by the window. Those grew from dropped birdseed, and they're taller than the mammoth variety that I planted by the barn. Go figure.

I added this girl and her sweet bunny just because she's cute.
Today the bunny's name is Pepper. I'm told that tomorrow his name will be Flower.
Who knows after that!
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