Thursday, July 2, 2009

Standing Dani a.k.a. Sam's Wheels

If you looked carefully in a previous photo, you may have seen part of this contraption. It is officially called a Standing Dani, although around here we call it Sam's Wheels. Basically, it is a wheelchair that he stands up in, and it is customized for his size and scoliosis needs. This photo is of the first time he ever used it, and his eyes lit up when he made the connection that he could move himself.

The Wheels are great for indoor used or outdoor. Sam can push himself inside where the floor is level, but he needs help in the bumpy yard. The guys from the Davis company added the pull handle, which saves my back. Thank you!!

We really like this contraption - it's therapy and mobility put together. It's great for building muscle leg strength, bone density, arm and back muscles, for stretching the hands, and for improving mobility, independence, and motivation. The other kids like it too. Indoors, they pull Sam around the dining room table, while he tells them "stop" and "go." Outdoors, he can be toodled safely all over the yard - it's quite heavy and practically untippable.

This one is on loan to us from the ISD (thanks Kim and Jamie!) but we are working on getting Sam one of his own. The folks in charge say that it usually takes about six months to get one - lots of hoops to jump through - so we are proceeding in that direction now.

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